Thursday, 20 October 2011

Administration Errors

"Unknown calculation type [0] during the dynamic calculation. Only default agg/formula/time balance operations are handled."
There is an error in a formula(s), therefore, no calculations will work. The problem is that when you have the outline open in Edit mode and you try to 'Validate', it does not identify any of these errors, nor does it write it to a log. However, you can go one by one and validate each formula. So any time you delete a member or modify a member name, be sure that this member is not included in any formula.

Aggregate Storage Model - Solve Order
When you member of a formula is dependant on another member, ensure the solve order is setup properly, making the first member have a solve order of 0, then the next to have 1, etc.

Essbase Administrative Services - Error '1,030,006' opening the outline.

Essbase Administration Services has become corrupt. Can occur when performing a dim build that did not build successfully. I do not know the full cause of it, but restarting the EAS Server will rectify this issue.

ESSBASE ERROR - 1021001 Failed to Establish Connection with SQL Database Server. See Log file for more information. Couple things could be happening here:

    - You do not have permissions to access that SQL environment

    - The ODBC Connection on the server is not set up properly.

    - The table/view that you are calling no longer exists

WARNING - 1003055 - Aggregate storage applications ignore update to derived cells. [XXXX] cells skipped.

You will get this warning message when attempting to load data to an ASO model to a specific member that is not level zero. Solution: Analyze your data to ensure only Level 0 data is coming in, otherwise, in an ASO, the Level 0 value will aggregate over the higher level value. Keep in mind, your data load will finish successfully, this message is simply a warning regarding data being loaded to a parent member.

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