Thursday 20 October 2011

Oracle Essbase 11 New Features

This document describes the new features in Oracle Essbase Release 11.1.1.

Table of Contents:
1. Installation and Configuration
2. Lifecycle Management
3. Typed Measures
4. Format Strings
5. Varying Attributes
6. Strategy for Backing Up and Restoring Block Storage Databases
7. Methods for Clearing Data from Specific Regions of Aggregate Storage Databases
8. Environment Variables Used in the Calculation Scripts and Formulas of Block Storage Applications
9. Optimization of the Replication of Aggregate Storage Databases
10. Grid Expansion During Queries of Transparent Partitions
11. Log Transaction Response Times from Transparent Partition Target
12. Grid Size Limits for Aggregate Storage Transparent Partition Target
13. Batch Insertion As Data Is Exported to Relational Databases
14. Unicode Support for Aggregate Storage
15. Common Logging
16. Implied Share Override
18. Performing Multiple SQL Data Loads in Parallel to Aggregate Storage Databases
19. Calculation Functions
20. MDX Functions
21. Report Writer Commands
22. Essbase.cfg Configuration Settings
23. MaxL Statements
24. API Functions and Structures
25. Implied Share API Functions
26. Incremental Dimbuild API Functions
27. Typed Measures API Functions
28. Varying Attributes API Functions
29. Database Backup and Transaction Logging API Functions
30. MDX and Grid API Functions

1. Installation and Configuration
Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installer, Fusion Edition and Oracle's Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Configurator streamline and simplify the process of installing, upgrading, and configuring Essbase. Oracle's Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Configurator uses the Oracle's Hyperion Shared Services Registry, which enables configuration information to be stored and reused.
Oracle's Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Diagnostics confirms that product components are successfully installed, configured, and running.
The installation and configuration documentation set includes a reduced number of installation guides and enables you to find information quickly and easily. Individual product installation guides are replaced by the following guides:
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Security Administration Guide
You may also need to use one or more of the following guides:
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Manual Deployment Guide
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System High Availability Guide
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting Guide
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Backup and Recovery Guide
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management Guide
· Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System SSL Configuration Guide

2. Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management (LCM) provides a consistent way for Hyperion products to migrate applications, cubes, repositories, or artifacts across product environments and operating systems. LCM interface is integrated with Oracle's Hyperion® Shared Services Console.

LCM features:
· Methods that enable you to browse applications and folders, search for artifacts, and compare applications and folders
· Application Migration Wizard:
o Application to application
o Application to local file system
o Application to server file system
o Exported application to application
o Package file, saved and loaded
· Migration status report
· Migration audit report
· Security—LCM Administrator role
· Command line utility
LCM does not migrate data.

3. Typed Measures
Typed measures extend the analytical capabilities of Essbase. In addition to numeric values, measures can also be associated with text- or date-typed values.
Text measures are tagged as “text” in whichever dimension measures are represented. They enable cell values to contain one of an enumerated list of text labels. These labels are defined, at the outline level, using a mapping artifact called a text list.
Date measures are tagged as “date” in the dimension where measures are represented. Date measures enable cell values in the form of a formatted date.

4. Format Strings
Using format strings, you can format the values (cell contents) of Essbase database members in numeric type measures so that they appear, for query purposes, as text, dates, or other types of predefined values. The resultant display value is the cell’s formatted value.
Format strings enable you to display more meaningful values in place of raw numeric values. For example, using a text based formatted value, you might display data cells as “High,” “Medium,” and “Low.”

5. Varying Attributes
Prior to this release, Essbase could store and calculate measures based on attributes. However, there are cases where attributes may change over a dimension such as time, or across multiple dimensions. For example, product packaging could vary over time as well as over geographical markets.
Varying attributes enable values in the base dimension to vary by one or more independent dimensions. With varying attributes, base members (such as products) can vary by size (an attribute) across time and scenario, or across markets.
Varying attributes add the capability of Essbase to store, and calculate measures for, attributes that vary over multiple dimensions. For example, a report showing the profit per package type can be calculated according to the changing attributes. A product that was packaged in 16 ounce containers in January, but in May changed to a package type of 20 ounces, may have its profits displayed separately according to the package group where it belonged at the time.
Essbase can also calculate varying attributes based on an "as was" scenario; for example, you can calculate the profit for the different package types as the assignments were at one given time. In this approach, you set the perspective, fixing on one time and ignoring the change in attributes over time. This can be useful for analysis of profits as if the changes to the attributes did not occur.
Additionally, Essbase can perform member selections based on a changing attribute. For example, you can query for all products that had a package type of 32_ounces in April.

6. Strategy for Backing Up and Restoring Block Storage Databases
Regular Essbase backups, which should be integrated into production server maintenance, are key to database maintenance. Backup frequency should be determined by the volatility of the database and server environment and the need for rapid database restoration (should a server interruption occur).
To back up and restore block storage databases, you can use either of the following methods:
· Automated database backup and restore and transaction logging and replay
Backup and restore provides the equivalent functionality of manually backing up and restoring a database. When a backed-up database is restored, transactions that occurred after the backup procedure are not recovered. However, with transaction logging and replay, post-backup transactions are captured and can be replayed. Thus, a backed-up database can be recovered to the most-recent state before the interruption occurred.
The use of the database backup and restore and transaction logging and replay features eliminates the need for various manual steps and, therefore, enables administrators to back up and recover databases more efficiently. Oracle recommends incorporating these features in your backup and recovery strategy.
· Manual backup and restore
Essbase customers who have designed a backup and restore strategy that uses manual procedures and who do not need the functionality of transaction logging and replay can continue using their manual strategy.
To back up and restore aggregate storage applications, you must use manual procedures.

7. Methods for Clearing Data from Specific Regions of Aggregate Storage DatabasesWithin an aggregate storage database, you can clear data from a specific region and retain the data located in other regions. This feature is useful when you want to delete volatile data (such as data corresponding to the last month) but retain historical data. You must have Database Manager or Administrator permission to clear data.
Methods for clearing data from a region:
· Physical, in which the input cells in the region are physically removed from the database
· Logical, in which the input cells in the region are written to a new data slice and negative, compensating values are used, thus resulting in a value of zero for the cells that are cleared
To clear data from a specified region, you can use the alter database MaxL statement with the clear data in region grammar. The syntax for the statement is as follows:
alter database appname.dbname clear data in region {MDX set expression} [physical];

8. Environment Variables Used in the Calculation Scripts and Formulas of Block Storage Applications
In block storage applications, in calculation scripts and outline member formulas, you can use system environment variables as placeholders for user-specific system settings. Because environment variables are defined at the operating system level, they are available to all calculation scripts and formulas on Essbase Server.
Environment variables cannot be used in MDX queries or in member formulas that are within aggregate storage outlines.

9. Optimization of the Replication of Aggregate Storage Databases
To optimize the replication of an aggregate storage database when the aggregate storage database is the target and a block storage database is the source and the two outlines are identical, use one of these methods:
· The REPLICATIONASSUMEIDENTICALOUTLINE configuration setting in essbase.cfg. The setting can be enabled at the server, application, or database level. The syntax for the setting is as follows:
· The alter database MaxL statement with the replication_assume_identical_outline grammar. The statement can be enabled only at the database level. The syntax for the statement is as follows:
alter database appname.dbname enable disable replication_assume_identical_outline;
Both optimization methods affect only the target aggregate storage application; the source block storage application is not affected. The methods do not apply to block storage replication.

10. Grid Expansion During Queries of Transparent Partitions
The FORCEGRIDEXPANSION configuration setting in the essbase.cfg file forces the expansion of the grid when transparent partitions are queried. Use of the setting ensures that correct results are retrieved, even if most data values are displayed as #MISSING (whether or not the cells that display #MISSING contain data).
The FORCEGRIDEXPANSION setting is used with the GRIDEXPANSION configuration setting.

11. Log Transaction Response Times from Transparent Partition Target
For requests sent from a data source to a transparent partition target (whether a block storage or aggregate storage database), you can log transaction response times using the ENABLE_DIAG_TRANSPARENT_PARTITION configuration setting in the essbase.cfg file. Logging these messages is helpful when troubleshooting response times that are too slow.

12. Grid Size Limits for Aggregate Storage Transparent Partition Target
When the transparent partition target is an aggregate storage database, you can specify the maximum size of the request grid and the response grid, using the MAX_REQUEST_GRID_SIZE and MAX_RESPONSE_GRID_SIZE configuration settings.

13. Batch Insertion As Data Is Exported to Relational Databases
The DATAEXPORTENABLEBATCHINSERT configuration setting in the essbase.cfg file specifies whether, when Essbase data is exported for direct insertion into a relational database, the batch-insert method, instead of the default row-insert method, is used. Rows of data can be inserted only if the relational database and the ODBC driver support the functionality.

14. Unicode Support for Aggregate Storage
Aggregate storage applications and databases can be Unicode-mode enabled.

15. Common Logging
Common logging enables users and administrators who are using multiple Hyperion products to find log messages in a common place, thus reducing time and effort for tracing the appropriate log file.
Accordingly, Essbase log files are located in HYPERION_HOME/logs/essbase.

16. Implied Share Override
Using Outline Editor in Administration Services Console, you can force implied share settings for aggregate storage and block storage outlines. For block storage databases, you can override the default Implied Share setting of active by using configuration file settings to control the Essbase Server default and application default settings. Two API functions are provided for programming convenience: EssOtlGetImpliedShare and EssOtlSetImpliedShare.

XOLAP (extended online analytic processing) is a variation on the role of OLAP in business intelligence. Specifically, XOLAP is an Essbase multidimensional database that stores only the outline metadata and retrieves data from a relational database at query time. XOLAP thus integrates a source relational database with an Essbase database, leveraging the scalability of the relational database with the more sophisticated analytic capabilities of a multidimensional database. Your business needs determine whether OLAP or XOLAP is best suited to your environment.
For information on how to designate models for XOLAP, see the Oracle Essbase Studio online help.

18. Performing Multiple SQL Data Loads in Parallel to Aggregate Storage Databases
When loading SQL data into aggregate storage databases, you can use up to eight rules files to load data in parallel. Each rules file must use the same authentication information (SQL user name and password).
Essbase initializes multiple temporary aggregate storage data load buffers (one for each rules file), where data values are sorted and accumulated. When the data is fully loaded into the data load buffers, Essbase commits the contents of all buffers into the database in one operation, which is faster than committing buffers individually.

19. Calculation Functions
The following calculation functions are new:
· @ILANCESTORS—Returns the specified members and either all ancestors of the members or the ancestors up to a specified distance

· @ILDESCENDANTS—Returns the specified members and either all descendants of the members or the descendants down to a specified distance

· @LANCESTORS—Returns all ancestors of the specified members or the ancestors up to a specified distance
· @LDESCENDANTS—Returns all descendants of the specified members or the descendants down to a specified distance

· @NEXTSIBLING—Returns the next sibling (the sibling to the immediate right) of the specified member

· @PREVSIBLING—Returns the previous sibling (the sibling to the immediate left) of the specified member

· @SHIFTSIBLING—Returns the specified member or the nth sibling of the specified member

· @ENUMVALUE—Returns the internal numeric value for a text value in a text list.

· @DATEDIFF—Returns the difference between two input dates.

· @DATEPART—Returns returns the

· Year/Quarter/Month/Week/Day/DayOfYear/Weekday as a number.

· @DATEROLL—To the given date, rolls (adds or subtracts) a number of specific time intervals.

· @FORMATDATE—Returns a formatted date string.

· @TODATEEX—Returns the numeric date value from input date-string according to the date-format specified.

20. MDX Functions
The following MDX functions are new:
· CellValue—Returns the numeric value of the current cell.
· EnumText—Returns the text value corresponding to a numeric value in a text list.
· EnumValue—Returns the internal numeric value for a text value in a text list.
· RealValue—Returns a value for the specified member or tuple without the inherited attribute dimension context.
· NumToStr—Converts a double-precision floating-point value into a decimal string.
· GetNextDay—To the given date and the week day, get the next date after input date that corresponds to the week day.
· GetFirstDay—For a given date_part, this function returns the first day of the time interval for the input date.
· GetLastDay—For a given date_part, this function returns the last day of the time interval for the input date.
· JulianDate—For the given UNIX date, get its Julian date.
· UnixDate—For the given Julian date, get its UNIX date.
· AttributeEx—This function is for varying attributes. Given the attribute member and the perspective setting, returns the associated base member list.
· WithAttrEx—This function is for varying attributes. Given the attribute dimension, condition, predicate, and perspective setting, returns the base member list satisfying the predicate.
The WITH PERSPECTIVE MDX clause enables you to qualify queries based on varying attribute perspective.
The MdxFormat directive enables the creation of format strings to change the appearance of member values.

21. Report Writer Commands
The following Report Writer commands are new:

22. Essbase.cfg Configuration Settings
The following essbase.cfg settings are new:

23. MaxL Statements
The following MaxL grammar was added:
· alter database...replay transactions...
· alter database...[force] archive...
· alter database...[force] restore...
· alter database...enabledisable replication_assume_identical_outline (aggregate storage only)
· alter database...clear aggregatesdata in region (aggregate storage only)
· alter database...beginend archive (new for aggregate storage)
· query database...list transactions... (block storage only)
· alter session set dml_output formatted_value onoff
· alter session set dml_output get_missing_cells onoff
The following MaxL and MaxL Shell statements were added:
· deploy MaxL Shell statement for deploying a cube from Oracle Essbase Studio
· query archive_file MaxL statement for getting information about the database backup archive file

24. API Functions and Structures
The following functionality had been added to the Oracle Essbase API:

25. Implied Share API Functions
The following API functions are new:
· EssOtlGetImpliedShare
· EssOtlSetImpliedShare

26. Incremental Dimbuild API Functions
The following API functions are new:
· EssIncrementalBuildDim
· EssBeginIncrementalBuildDim
· EssBeginStreamBuildDim
· EssEndIncrementalBuildDim
· EssEndStreamBuildDim

27. Typed Measures API Functions
The following new API functions are related to typed measures and the related text list objects:
· EssOtlCreateObject
· EssOtlPutSmartList
· EssOtlGetMemberSmartList
· EssOtlDeleteObject
· EssOtlGetSmartListInfo
· EssOtlFindObject
· EssOtlFreeObjectArray
· EssOtlFreeSmartListInfo
· EssOtlGetMemberSmartList
· EssOtlGetMemberType
· EssOtlGetObjectReferenceCount
· EssOtlGetObjectReferences
· EssOtlImportExportObject
· EssOtlListObjects
· EssOtlQueryObjects
· EssOtlSetMemberType
· EssOtlSetMemberTypeToSmartList
The following new MDX API functions are also related to typed measures:
· EssMdxGetCellInfo
· EssMdxGetFormattedValue
· EssMdxGetSmartlistforCell
· EssMdxGetFormatString
· EssMdxSetQueryCellProperties
· EssMdxGetQueryCellProperties
· EssMdxGetQueryOptions
· EssMdxSetQueryOptions
The following new Grid API functions are also related to typed measures:
· EssGGetFormattedValue
· EssGGetSmartlistforCell
· EssGGetGridPerspective
The following Grid API types are new:

28. Varying Attributes API Functions
The following new C Outline API functions are related to varying attributes:
· EssOtlVaryingAssociateAttributeDimension
· EssOtlVaryingGetAttributeIndepDims
· EssOtlVaryingGetAssociatedAttributes
· EssOtlQueryVaryingAttributes
The following new Grid API function is related to varying attributes:
The following Grid API types are new:

29. Database Backup and Transaction Logging API Functions
The following API functions are new:
· EssArchiveDatabase
· EssRestoreDatabase
· EssListTransactions
· EssReplayTransactions
The following API structures are new:

30. MDX and Grid API Functions
The following Grid API functions are new:
· EssGGetFormattedValue
· EssGGetSmartlistforCell
· EssGGetGridPerspective
The following Grid API types are new:

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